Please contact Troy Tower for any inquiries. Rush requests can often be accommodated.
Si è pregati di contattare Troy Tower per ulteriori informazioni o per richieste anche pressanti.
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Mailing Address: 143 School Street, Watertown, Massachusetts 02472, United States
Phone / FaceTime / WhatsApp: [+1] 646-280-8634
Fax: [+1] 410-516-5358
Zoom meeting ID: 904 038 2821
Skype: troy.tower
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Above: Display featuring selections from Troy’s book collection, “Pierre Huyghe: Captured in Media,” the second-place winner of the 2011 Edgar Sweren Student Book Collecting Contest, Johns Hopkins Libraries; photo by Katharine Urbati. Header: Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, MS Anglia 31 I–II, fol. 45r, transcribed and translated by Troy Tower, in Elizabeth Patton, “Four Contemporary Translations of Dorothy Arundell’s Lost English Narratives”, Philological Quarterly 95.3-4 (2016), 397-424; critical edition in preparation. Thanks to Heather Stein for website support