Through Humanist for Hire, LLC, Troy Tower is pleased to offer full-service manuscript preparation for scholarly, popular, and trade publications, documentary films and art installations:
- Editing: development/story editing, transcription, copy editing, proofreading
- Research assistance: literature review, fact-checking, bibliography, indexing
- Translation: prose and verse from Italian and Latin sources from any period
For further detail, see the services offered or the portfolio of Troy’s edited, translated and authored publications. For a complete list of collaborations, please see his CV.
For any inquiries, please contact Troy directly.

Above: Troy doing research for Ramie Targoff, Renaissance Woman: The Life of Vittoria Colonna (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018); photo by Catherine Freddo. Header: Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, MS Anglia 31 I–II, fol. 45r, transcribed and translated by Troy Tower, in Elizabeth Patton, “Four Contemporary Translations of Dorothy Arundell’s Lost English Narratives”, Philological Quarterly 95.3-4 (2016), 397-424; critical edition in preparation. Thanks to Heather Stein for website support.