Editorial Work

Critical Editions & Transcriptions

Editorial Management

  • Cristina Iuli, Aaron Jaffe and Stefano Morello, ed., Transfer & Transatlanticism, Italian Style (1949-1972), MLN 140.1 (in preparation)
  • Arielle Saiber and Laura Di Bianco, ed., Italian Issue, MLN 139.1 (2024)
  • Arielle Saiber, ed., Italian Issue, MLN 138.1 (2023)
  • Francesco Brenna and Alberto Zuliani, ed., Dante at 700: Singleton Revisited, MLN 137.1 (2022)

Development & Story Editing

Line Editing

Research Assistance

Targeted Research & Fact-Checking

Bibliography & Indexing

Film Production

  • Bernadette Wegenstein, dir., The Conductor, production managers Troy Tower et al. (Waystone, 2021)
  • Bernadette Wegenstein, dir., The Good Breast, subtitles by Troy Tower et al. (Waystone, 2016)




Pro Bono Service

Authored Works

For a complete list of publications and collaborations, please see Troy’s CV.

Above: The cover of the first critical edition of the poetry of the renowned virtuosa Gaspara Stampa, The Complete Poems: The 1554 Edition of the Rime, a Bilingual Edition, tr. Jane Tylus, ed. Jane Tylus and Troy Tower (University of Chicago Press, 2010). Header: Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu, MS Anglia 31 I–II, fol. 45r, transcribed and translated by Troy Tower, in Elizabeth Patton, “Four Contemporary Translations of Dorothy Arundell’s Lost English Narratives”Philological Quarterly 95.3-4 (2016), 397-424; critical edition in preparation. Thanks to Heather Stein for website support.